Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Caring for your Real Christmas Tree
With our real Christmas trees arriving in Fron Goch from the 1st December we though it would be helpful to provide some hints and tips on how to maintain & get the most out of your tree this Christmas.
Of course our experts are always on hand to give you some guidance and help should you need it.
Caring for your Christmas Tree
When buying a Christmas tree it is always best to choose a locally sourced and grown tree, or one that has at least been grown in the UK rather than abroad.
When displaying trees indoors, avoid placing them too close to a fire or radiator, as this will cause excessive moisture loss and needle drop.
Cut Trees
- When you get the tree home, saw 2.5cm (1in) off the bottom with a pruning saw
- Place in a stand with a well of water in the base
- Check daily and top up the water when the level drops
- With care, cut trees should last about four weeks
Trees in Pots
- To reduce stress and damage to living trees, display them in a cool room
- Bring trees indoors as late as possible – the weekend before Christmas is ideal
- Do not keep living trees in the house any longer than 12 days, but be guided by the tree. If it looks unhappy, put it back outside
Either plant the tree out in the garden after Christmas, or (if you want to bring it indoors again next year) grow it on in a container, moving it into a bigger pot annually until you reach the maximum size that can be moved comfortably (about 45cm (18in) diameter and depth). Feel free to pop over and ask our experts, for some advice on this.
Pruning & Training
Christmas trees need very little training when grown outdoors. Aim to maintain an attractive shape, removing any shoots that spoil the silhouette or any strong upright branches that compete with the leading stem. Prune away any dead, diseased or dying branches.
Christmas trees planted in pots will be limited in their size by the constraints of the pot. But if planted out in the garden, Christmas trees can get very large, reaching a height of about 15-20m (50-65ft) in twenty years, and possible eventual heights of about 40m (130ft). The smallest growing Christmas trees are probably Fraser firs, which reach about 7m (23ft) after twenty years, attaining an eventual height of about 20m (65ft), and Korean firs, which reach 4m (13ft) in twenty years and an eventual height of 10m (33ft).
Christmas trees are generally problem-free indoors, but will lose their needles quickly if placed too close to a source of heat, or if water dries up in the well of the stand.
Christmas trees grown on in pots may only live for a few years, as they are not naturally suited to ongoing pot cultivation.
Pop in and see us any time if you would like some advise or help with your tree!
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Eisteddfod Yr Urdd...Bwyd i’r teulu cyfan.
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Fron Goch Garden Centre Tel: 01286 672 212, Address: Pant Road, Llanfaglan, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, Wales, LL54 5RL | |||||
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Friday, 11 May 2012
Ein Hagwedd at Goginio
Ein Hagwedd at Goginio
Yma yn Fron Goch, ein siop Goffi a Bwyty yw’r lle perffaith i gyfarfod â theulu a ffrindiau. Cewch le cyfforddus i ymlacio a mwynhau’ch hunan a chewch wledd gyda rhai o’n prydau a’n teisennau cartref.
Mae pob un o’n prydau’n cael ei goginio yma yn ein ceginau’n hunain. Rydyn ni’n cael ein cig a’n llysiau gan gyflenwyr lleol, pobl rydyn ni’n eu hadnabod ac yn ymddiried ynddyn nhw. Felly, er enghraifft daw ein Twrci, Porc a Chig Eidion oddi wrth ein cigydd lleol yng Nghaernarfon, o stoc sy’n cael ei fagu yng Ngwynedd yn unig. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o’n teisennau’n cael eu crasu yma, yn ein ceginau - dyna pam eu bod nhw mor ffres a blasus. Mae sgons yn cael eu crasu’n ffres gydol y dydd ac yn aml, maen nhw’n dal yn gynnes wrth i ni eu gweini.
◦Mae brecwast o 9.30am tan 11.15am o ddydd Llun i ddydd Sadwrn ac o 10am tan 11.15am ar ddydd Sul.
◦Bydd cawl cartref, tatws pob, paninis a brechdannau ar gael bob dydd o tua 11.30am tan 3pm yn dibynnu ar y galw.
◦Cewch giniawau poeth bob dydd o 11.45am tan 2.30pm (heblaw ddydd Iau a dydd Sul pan fyddwn yn cynnig ein carferi enwog) ac fel arfer mae yna dri dewis o fwyd llysieuol.
◦Mae’r bar Salad yn berffaith am ginio ysgafn ac iach. Mae’n llawn o bob math o ddewisiadau wedi’u paratoi’n ffres gan gynnwys ein tartenni sawrus cartref. Ar gael fel arfer o 11am tan tua at 4pm.
◦Mae’n carferi rhost enwog yn cael ei weini ar ddydd Iau a dydd Sul o 11.45am tan tua 2.30pm.
◦Beth am De Prynhawn i ddau o 3pm tan 4.30pm ddydd Llun i ddydd Sadwrn? Gwledd! Mae’n cynnwys ein brechdannau a’n teiennau hufen cartref arbennig ni. Fyddwch chi ddim angen gwneud swper ar ôl hynny!
◦Mae Panninis wedi’u tostio ar gael o tua 11am i 4.30pm pob dydd.
Mae gennym ddigonedd o le i eistedd gydag adnoddau ardderchog i blant, pobl gydag anabledd ac ymwelwyr hÅ·n. Mwynhewch ein cornel y plant, os byddwch yn lwcus, mi fyddan nhw’n diddori'u hunain wrth i chi gael cinio. Neu swatiwch yn ein man clud mewn cadair ger y tân, perffaith pan fydd yn rhaid i chi fynd allan ar ddiwrnod gwlyb. Dydyn ni ddim yn cymryd archebion, fel arfer mae yma ddigonedd o le ond dewch yn gynnar ar ddyddiau prysur megis gwyliau a Sul y Mamau.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Wow we grow 95% of our own Bedding & Vegetable Plants!
stuff huh!
We’ve been busy on our nursery,
where we grow over 95% of all our bedding and vegetable plants sold here; We
think we’re Number One for plants…. Why?
· Home grown plants with zero miles
· Plants acclimatised to our local
· Top quality plants with our 3 year
Hardy Plant Guarantee.
· Huge range, including hard to find
· Expert advice to help you choose the
right plants.
Friday, 13 April 2012
Robin's Growing Class
National Gardening Week

A new National Gardening Week aims to get Brits sowing, hoeing and mowing in 2012. Set to take place on 16th to 22nd April, the initiative was devised by the Royal Horticultural Society.
So come on over to Fron Goch over that week with any of your gardening questions, ideas or inspirations. We will be more than happy to talk them through with you and help you whether your a first time gardener struggling with your tomato plants or competent green fingered fiend simply wanting some advice to expand your knowledge.
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Grow your own 5 a day!
Grow your own 5 a day! There's nothing like your own fruit and veg fresh from the garden. We have a huge range, home grown here on our nursery!
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Easter Opening Times
Easter is always a lovely time to sort the garden & get inspired.
So come on over to Fron Goch Garden Centre & visit us.
Easter Opening Hours:
Why not head over on Saturday morning 9:30 til 10:30 & join in Robin's Growing Class

1 Sowing veg outside
2 Planting herbs outdoors
3 Rhododendrons & Azaleas
£2.50 per person, including free filter coffee or tea.
No need to book, just turn up. 9.30am till 10.30am
Monday, 2 April 2012

Go Green in the Garden
It doesn't have to be expensive and difficult to go green in your garden. Have a look at some of the ideas we have come up with to encourage wild life into your garden while creating a safe heavan to enjoy.Composting
By recycling your fruit & vegetable peelings, grass cuttings and the rest of your garden waste you can produce well-rotten garden compost, which can be used as a soil improver to enhance plant growth - great on a vegetable patch.
Water Conservation
Simply Use Less!
Reducing our water usage is perhaps one of the biggest concerns for gardeners today. There are two ways in which you can do this – firstly you can simply use less. Many experts believe that if you water less often you encourage both your plants and your lawn to take deeper roots, therefore making them sturdier and more drought resistant. When you do water them, ensure that it is in the evening – this way the water will take longer to evaporate, resulting in less water being required over the long run.
Pots and hanging baskets are renowned for being extremely thirsty, but you can slow down evaporation by lining them with plastic bags. Meanwhile, spread mulch over your borders to conserve water.
It’s also time to ditch the sprinkler. Sprinklers waste a phenomenal amount of water, especially when they throw the water high, as so much is lost through evaporation. Hosepipes themselves use up to 1,000 litres of water an hour – meaning that it can be expensive as well as wasteful.
Water Butts
Water Butts are an essential for your garden.
Almost 10,000 average litres of rainwater falls on our house roofs each year so by collecting it in a water butt, you have a ready source of water that can help keep your garden looking lush and green.
A water butt can be connected to a down pipe so that it collects rainwater from your gutters. If you are using a down pipe, you will also need an overflow pipe or a rain diverter to redirect water into the butt. Once it’s full, water flows down the drainpipe.
A gutter filter will also keep out unwanted debris.
Bird Bath & Wildlife Attractions
Simply adding a bird bath, feeder or installing a pond attracts all sorts of wildlife into your garden. You may be lucky enough to find that the birds and frogs get rid of unwanted slugs and snails. Having a pesticide-free garden may also attract species such as hedgehogs.
Conserve Power - Use Solar Lighting
Outdoor lights don’t take energy-saving light bulbs however, modern solar lights which are specifically designed for outdoor use are available in abundance, the energy from the sun is free so illuminating your garden is easy and energy efficient.
Healthy Living, Great Exercise
Gardening itself is a healthy activity so get the rake out! If you only have a small lawn, consider reverting to a manual lawnmower – the effect is just as good.
Grow Your Own
Have a go at growing your own herbs & vegetables. Anything that you can harvest from your own garden not only gives you a huge sense of satisfaction but also means you have travelled zero miles to get on your plate. At Fron Goch we have all the advice and equiptment you need to start growing.
Organic Plant Foods, Pesticides & Fertalizers
Buying organically is one of the easiest green transitions that you can make. Simply replace your existing chemical-based pesticides with organic shop-bought substitutes.
Friday, 30 March 2012
Bore da,Hello & Welcome to the Fron Goch Garden Centre Blog
Just a quick introduction, we are the Williams family & over in the picturesque town of Caernarfon, Gwynedd we have a created (along with our lovely staff) a premier garden centre & quality, home made food cafe. We are currently in the process of building our new website, so along with that we thought it would be a good idea to create this blog so we can share all our latest information, hints, ideas and general garden based knowledge.
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This is us, the Williams family. Justin, Mel, Robin, Valerie & Rhys |
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The gorgeous cafe crew |
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Carol, Diane, Justin & Awen |
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Rhys & Blethyn (our resident Bill and Ben) |
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Sian, Robin, Mel Alisha The green fingered genius's |
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